turning Insert APKT10 lamina lamina  
Type : turning Insert    
Brand: لامینا
LAMINA Lathe Insert Company Introducing the reputable tool exchange site Lathe tools and lathe tools Asl has started importing all kinds of lathe diamonds, including LAMINA lathe diamonds, and has started importing the original APKT10 Lamina LAMINA insert in the country. The price of the original LAMINA insert, the seller of the original LAMINA diamond, the sale of diamonds with a valid warranty, the purchase and sale of the LAMINA insert can be done through the company that introduces the tool.
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برند ورتکس

In the context of machining, a cutting tool or cutter is any tool that is used to remove material from the work piece by means of shear deformation. Cutting may be accomplished by single-point or multipoint tools.

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