Type : turning Insert    
INSERT turning diamond DNMG 150604 DC9025 | DNMG 150604 DC9025 turning INSERT, DNMG 150604 YBC351 turning INSERT is suitable for turning all types of steels. DNMG 150604 DC9025 turning INSERT with ZCC brand is available in the company of tools for industrial use and mold making and parts making for turning all kinds of steel parts with the best price and quality. Suitable for P20-P40 steel made in China. Excellent quality PM chip breaker. This product is offered in ten-digit packages.
Diamond turning INSERT DNMG 150604 DC9025 is the main brand of ZCC made in China and suitable for turning suitable for P20-P40 steel. For more information about ZCC turning diamonds and how to place an order through WhatsApp, contact the company that introduces the main ZCC turning diamond exchange tools company.
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In the context of machining, a cutting tool or cutter is any tool that is used to remove material from the work piece by means of shear deformation. Cutting may be accomplished by single-point or multipoint tools.

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