ny of various measuring instruments having two usually adjustable arms, legs, or jaws used especially to measure diameter or thickness —usually used in plural. a pair of calipers. MITUTOYO Digital Caliper made on different size for example MITUTOYO Digital Caliper 200 mm and MITUTOYO Digital Caliper 300 mm are the best seller in IRAN and VERTEX company made Dial VERTEX caliper and VERNIER Caliper VERTEX IRAN so if you need Caliper in order to measure some workpiece first dounload Mitutoyo Catalogue and VERTEX catalogue and read them carfully and you can check technical informations about 500-196-30 MITUTOYO Caliper and VEC-8 VERTEX caliper or VDC-12 VERTEX caliper and 500-173 MITUTOYO DIGITAL CALIPER Moarref Tools company is MITUTOYO distributor IRAN and VERTEX distributor IRAN so if you need some VERTEX productions and MITUTOYO productions call to Moarref Tools and send MITUTOYO order to Moarref Group and get price MITUTOYO caliper or price VERTEX caliper .